Sunday, January 08, 2006

Photo Friday

I have never submitted to PhotoFriday before. And when I have a few seconds (which has not been in awhile) I do go over and look over the entries. The challenge was Panoramic so I felt compelled to enter my Chuckanut Drive photo.

There are some specatacular views out there! Here are just a few:

The quietness of
Make No Sound, Panoramic beach at Photo traces, very big and beautiful from Casey K, snow crunching under foot at Shattered Visons, a wonderful, vertical panoramic from Top Left Pixel, and the end of the world at LEVITATION.


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    What a nice, calm photo.. It makes me feel like enlarging it and hanging it on my wall so I can pretend I'm there :)

  2. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Thanks for the props!



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