Saturday, January 07, 2006

Illustration Friday - Sea

Illustration Friday this week is Sea. I hate to be a bummer, reminder of bad news, negative-Nelly but I can't help but think of the on-going crisis in our oceans and seas, pollution, over-fishing - to mention two. Problems that can't be ignored, that the world community should address and repair while we have the opportunity.

Illustration Friday - Sea

True beauty underwater, look here and these underwater photos on

I am always humbled by how many talented folks submit to IF. Rick gives a detailed explanation 'old school technique' of his Hero illustration here and his most amazing interpretaton of Sea at Drawrings, etc. The raging Sea churning at Artwork Anonymous.


  1. Kim-
    I love this. I should have known it was you. You're one of my all time favorite artist.

  2. Nice. I was thinking along the same lines.

  3. Great interpretation.

  4. I share the same concern of the state of seas. Your image is ver well done and has an important message.

  5. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I love your illustration and I agree with you we should absolutely take better care of our oceans and seas

  6. Good message and love her cozzie (Aussie for swimming costume).

  7. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Gorgeous! I love all the beautiful details you put in your illustrations.

  8. Will you forgive me if I use the adjective "exquisite" one more time? It's the word most frequently inspired by your lovely drawings and blog.

  9. Thank you one and all. I always feel like the gloom and doom person, but at least I am not alone in my thoughts!

  10. This is absolutely beautiful Kim. You are not a "gloom and doom" person here because of your statement. It's so dangerous to be oblivious to such matters. Thanks for posting this.

  11. what a wonderful mermaid!
    PS- I love your rainy day rubberstamps.
    Wonderful work-

  12. A great idea and a great piece. I also feel horrible for all of the precious sea life and their contaminated world.

  13. I love how you combine relevant commentary with such beautiful imagery. The colors (that turquoise - wow!) and composition on this one are especially outstanding, and I just love th mermaid! Yes...she has some things to worry about.

  14. beautiful and brainy...what more could you ask for?

  15. Very beautiful and inspiring illustration. I agree with some other opions about the color. It's great!

  16. Lovely image and I think the mermaid worried about her environment makes the point very well


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