Wednesday, December 28, 2005

You've Got Mail (From You)

I send myself tons of email. I look at the mail and think what in the heck is this or this. This butter sculpture, I want one!

Drumm angels measuring spoons, Ala Jaron mixed metal peapod pin, Leandra Drumm dancing moon and ballerina fairy switchplate, Haugh triangle pendant (with rocks - my favorite) and abacus pendant.

This little book, Antologie Stocastiche, Volume 1.

This was an eye opener: Walrus is an interactive visualization tool that allows the analyst to view massive graphs from any position from visual complexity. This is fascinating and more images here!

Where does my money go and a to-do list and some pretty wallpapers.

Then I open it and realize why I sent it to myself. So now you know my email is just as messy as my handbag!


  1. haha - my purse is way more organized than my email inbox. I should get Tim to try to find something in my email box - that would make me organize it better! heheh. He likes to pretend stuff in my purse bites when he reaches in... I have a few emails that might actually bite - for real.

  2. You find the best stuff, thanks for sharing!


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