Thursday, December 01, 2005

She Buys Seashells At The Thrift Stores

I have been buying and collecting necklaces of seashells at the thrift stores. Wondering why I felt compelled to do this. I love seashells. I have my own small collection and get a little sick to my stomach when I think of all the seashells stolen from their rightful place in the world to be hanging around in the thrift store. I have always wanted to make one of those Victorian shell art pieces (hence my last post). I have a plain wooden frame from IKEA, a small wooden box, maybe a birdhouse and I would really like to do a cross for hanging. Will show the final product, if it is worth posting!

D about finished my workbench. And he just asked me to keep my ongoing projects in a neat drawer that he made for my ongoing (the forever-ongoing) projects. Have really enjoyed having a place to work again. Spent the last couple of nights un-stringing the necklaces and organinzing sizes and color of the shells.


  1. All those tiny shells...I can just hear the chimey sounds they make when you run your fingers through them. And your workbench? Fabulous!

  2. Anonymous6:09 AM

    gorgeous!! :D what great finds...

  3. I love how organized they all are, and that hide-away workbench is such a great idea!! I read an article in Matha S. once about the victorian seashell pieces, they are so captivating!

  4. Kim, IMHO you are well on your way to being more organized, as per your "resolution" a few posts back. lol! You are SO organized! Shells are totally beautiful, even the tiny ones, even in repetition -- I'm curious to see what you make of all these shells!

  5. Anonymous9:40 AM

    oh my, what a wonderful collection.

  6. I love your finished workbench, how lucky you are!

  7. Kim, since you're on the theme of shells here, I thought you would pappreciate seeing Harold's macro photos of shells here on his blog post:

  8. Kim, I just foiund your site and -BOY!- am I glad! In perusing past posts, this one struck a chord. I LOVE shells and last spring took a shot at making a frame. The results were good, although I hope to do more frames, larger, with larger more elaborate shells.

    I hope to see your finished project soon! Thanks for sharing!


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