Saturday, December 10, 2005

Curious Artist: Dianne Vetromile

I am crazy about Dianne Vetromile's work, fun, imaginative, recycling. It has all the good stuff! Decorated art furniture and a detail. Game chair. Remember When - Assemblage Paintings. License Plate and Car Chair. A Recycle Bin! I also love her painted dot chairs. Springtime Dot and Flower Button Chair chair. It is grand, fun and out of this world!


  1. Yeah, but you've always had a chair fetish, Kimmer! Great assemblage work - love the gala colors!

  2. awesome useage of colors !!!!

  3. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Wow. Thank you for posting about my art. I recently finished a Pencil Chair and Coffee Bean chair. Happy Holidays to all. DV


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