Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Cork Reindeers Ornaments

I knew all of those wine corks would come in handy some day soon. I made some reindeer Chistmas trees ornaments. A favorite is for my neighbor's cork (she gave me that wine and I used the cork). She will love that. Sad to think this is the only 'craft' I have had time for!

1. Drink lots of wine 2. Cut one in half for head 3. make your holes with an ice pick 4. trim off top of toothpick for legs 5. the hardest part is getting the legs right so the litte deer will stand up! 6. cut a little piece of fabric for scarf 7. Cut off red and white pins with a snipper 8. add little eyes with marker.



  1. These are so cute. Logan wants to make some now, only dogs and moose instead of reindeer. Now I have to find some corks...

  2. Anonymous6:26 AM

    wow, those are pretty darn cute! any craft that requires drinking large quantities of wine is okay in my book!

  3. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Thanks for posting how to make these cuties... my 'overwhelmed with ideas' brain thanks you... :-)

  4. Love these. Step one for me would have to be.. Drink wine now, then whine because my reindeer would not turn out to be as cute as yours.
    Thanks for your friendship, Kim, I hope your holidays are happy.

  5. Oh my goodness! hehe, I LOVE it! and I happen to have tons of corks :D

  6. How gorgeous! This is our activity for the day. Even though we're "down under" we still like to get into the spirit. Thank you for this great idea.

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