Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Woof Weaving

My friend Susan (a big dog lover and many dog owner - yes, Irish Wolf hounds) is gearing up for Christmas. I love this logo I did for her last year. Probably will rethink it a little before I print another bunch. She weaves the most amazing linens, scarves, tablecloths, hand towels. Well, she is just amazing.

Wolf Weaving Tags

Wolf Weaving


  1. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Shelley Noble says: This is such a fantastic logo!! I knew you were a great digital illustrator, and great artist of home making, and kindered spirit of nature appreciation, etc. But I had no idea you were such an accomplished print designer! This logo rocks!

  2. be sure to post some of her scarves here if you can. From the few I've seen, they are gorgeous and perfect for gift giving...they'll fly off the virtual shelves!

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    This is a brilliant logo ... really brilliant!

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

    love the logo...


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