Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Tagged - 20 + 7

Giao tagged me, I am not sure if I got tagged for the 20 or the 7 things, oh well. I am doing them all!

20 random things about me:
1. I have never owned/driven a new car.
2. My husband drives the new car
3. This is the first house I ever owned, my first garden and the first time I ever took a interest in gardening.
4. My mother was single/divorced until I was 12 years old.
5. I have lived in 32(+) places/houses/apartments in my life so far.
6. I don’t think we carved pumpkins when I was young and did not do it until I was in my 30’s.
7. I had my only son when I was 36.
8. I knew I would marry my husband when I met him.
9. I am a total night owl and get my best ideas after 11pm, my best times to be creative between 10p and 3a.
10. Now that I work early, I don’t allow myself to go to my studio at night.
11. When I am working in my studio, I feel like I enter another dimension in the world.
12. I don’t listen to music in my car, I usually have the radio off and use that time to dream about my creative projects.
13. I really like rap (the beat not the lyrics). I like most of my son’s music and he burns me cd's.
14. I don’t like beets unless they are blended up with apples in a Mr. Juicer.
15. My mom made me eat all the vegetables on my plate when I was a kid.
16. I don’t make my son eat anything he does not want.
17. I love anything dark chocolate, but not white chocolate.
18. I love, love brussell sprouts and everything on Thanksgiving table.
19. I have lived in Malta, London, Scotland, my folks also lived in Finland, Brazil.
20. I used to scuba drive in the Virgin Islands.

7 things to do before I die:
1. Visit London, Paris with my husband and son .
2. Own a log cabin in Montana.
3. Have my own successful Card/stamp/something company
4. Give my son a good education.
5. Win a big lottery and give most of it away.
6. See our environment improve for our kids.
7. See AIDS vanish.

7 things I cannot do:
1. I cannot go to sleep at 9p unless I have some red wine.
2. I cannot be creative before noon.
3. I cannot remember to change the oil in my car (which is why I drive the old cars).
4. I cannot stop buying papers and envelopes.
5. I cannot stop buying fabric at the thrift stores.
6. I cannot stop thinking about buying dishes.
7. I cannot see a puppy and not think about bringing it home.

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. Sense of humor
2. Loyality
3. Eyes
4. Empathy
5. Sense of adventure
6. Knowing how to do the laundry
7. Putting the dishes in the dish washer

7 things I say most often:
1. Matt, do your homework
2. Matt, is your homework done?
3. Matt, what homework do you have tonight?
4. Matt, your homework must be done before you go paintballing
5. Matt, your homework before the internet.
6. Pica, stop barking
7. Is it raining AGAIN?

7 Celebrity crushes:
1. Matthew Goode
2. Sean Connery
3. Michael Vartan
4. Audrey Hepburn
5. Ralph Fiennes!
6. Ralph Fiennes!
7. Ralph Fiennes!

7 people I want to do this:




Maureen, not sure she will be interested.

Erica (she will have to tear herself away from her new house and painting class)

Linda, now she will have to make a post :)



  1. Kim, of course I would want to do this ... I loved reading about you, in your words. You have a good humor-sense. Okay, but you have to be patient with me because it will take me a few days to get to it. I have lots in common with you it turns out -- but I promise not to "copy" your things. that's not me!

    so, what is the deal? Where did this idea come from? where'd it start?

  2. These are very poignant,insightful and some funny!

  3. This is so much fun! A glimpse into who you are. Thanks for tagging me!

  4. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Fun getting to know you better! From "croque-choux", a fellow night owl...

  5. Michael Vartan! Michael Vartan! Michael Vartan!

    And all the other delightfully interesting stuff too!

  6. ok i admit it - i'm totally in the dark. What are the 20 or the 7 things, Kim? And what is tagging (besides putting keywords on flickr photos ...) lol I'm such a noob on the blog thing even though i've been quietly doing my blog for almost a year...

    enlighten me??

  7. Anonymous8:15 PM

    The list is soo huge ... ;) a lot of similar traits .. will watch for your next posts


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