Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Self-Portrait Tuesday 11.29

Self-Portrait Tuesday - exploration of indentity would not be complete if I did not include my husband. He defines me in a far as "the happy me", "the content me" and "the artist me". None of those "me's" would have been possible without him understanding what it is to be a crazy artist. This isn't edgy or scary, but for me, this is when my life took the big right turn into normal. A street I thought I would never find on the map. We have our ups and downs, but I knew when I met him that he was the one.

Self-Portrait 11.29

Self-Portrait 11.29


  1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    You guys make such a neat couple and it really comes through on the photos! Thanx for sharing.
    Maybe soon I'll get up the nerve to post a photo of myself on croque-choux!

  2. Thanks Sandra. Of course this was many many pounds ago for me! ;)

  3. Great pictures, Kim. I bet the downs are few and far between judging from these images!

  4. I concur with all others - a lovely couple, indeed!

  5. these are so great! they sparkle! i feel similarily about my honey.

  6. Anonymous6:15 PM

    oh Kim, aren't you guys GREAT!!!
    thanks for sharing these!!!

  7. Such good photos. You look like you have so much fun together - that is so important!

  8. Oh what lovely pics to go with such a great post! You guys look so well suited and happy together. I love that line, "responsible for the happy me, artistic me" I can really identify with that. It took years of being around my hubby to feel secure and meeting him was life changing. I wish you guys many more years of bliss!

  9. Anonymous12:42 AM

    you two look like so much fun!

  10. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Gosh you guys look like fun fun fun!!!

    ps - I remember well that hairstyle, tied in a Madonna-esque fashion, since I used to sport that, too. you are so cute!

  11. And so, completion is attained!

  12. Anonymous8:11 AM

    oh KIM! i love it when you post these kinds of pictures! you are so gorgeous, the santa hat is so cute, you two are so happy happy!


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