Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Helpful Hints Meme

Helpful hint meme from Sherry. Copy these and add one to it. You should also check out her links while you are there, she has some good ones.

1. Use those little pogs of wax that are left in the holders to start your fires in the fireplace. Save all your wax pieces for this type of use, it makes starting a fire soo easy and fast.

2. In small trashbins (such as in your bathroom), take 4 or 5 plastic grocery bags and store them (folded or scrunched) under the one you have in the can. So when you take the one out to empty, you have another one right there to replace it. (my mom does this)

3. To eat a kiwi, cut the off top off and scoop out the meat with a grapefruit spoon. (from mom)

(Do you have one to add?) Tagging
Jenny, I bet she has a good one to share.


  1. Anonymous10:19 PM

    4. Stow alphabet stencils on the pages of an extra tabbed address book. It's a fast way to grab letters while stencilling and fast way to reorder them when done.

    from Shelley Noble

  2. Anonymous7:22 AM

    i'm on it! :) thanks for the "tag"

  3. Anonymous9:15 PM

    if you love gardening, keep old pantyhose and cut them into strips to hold tomato plants and peas, beans etc...they won't bruise the plants and they will expand and the plant grows.


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