Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Cook's Blog

My mom has started blogging! Okay, with me making her? Encouraging her? Starting it for her. She has been wanted to do a cookbook for years, an intimate, with family stories that accompany the recipes, one that I would put together and give to family for Christmas. Anyway, I thought this might be a fun way for her to start taking time away from the laundry, cleaning the kitchen and such - and take a little time for herself, her craft. We are imagining tips, menus, the way she creates amazing meals from left-overs. Stay tuned and welcome her aboard to blogging.


  1. I'm impressed, Kim. How about some more tips on getting our (older) parents blogging? That's a great idea you and your mom have - I left a comment for her. Comments are usually encouraging and welcome. I want to get MY mom blogging now ... (she lives so far away, though, that it's difficult w/o being there physically. Her computer is a mess! -- almost as bad as mine lol)

  2. Well, I posted something here and then it is gone.

    Thank you all for your supportive comments. I think she was tickled to read her comments.
    It will so fun if we can do it.
    Maureen: I wish you could get her to. Could she write something, email and you blog it. But that would be work for you. I don't think my mom will ever be able to do it all on her own, but you never know, if you really want to do something, you just learn how to do it. Maybe she will be so interested...dare I hope. She has been typing her entry and save draft. Your mom could do the same and you just go in and code it up. It could be in your blog list? I don't know, just some brain-storming.
    Susanne- thank you so much. Your blog is so inspirational, and I am simply blown away that you not only know where Edmonds is, but have lived here. It is such a small world.


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