Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Self-Portrait Tuesday 10.4

The ugly truth is that I am not a morning person. For Self-portrait Tuesday.

SFT- The Ugly Truth

Later in the day, my mother took me to get a haircut! My mother. Said she would be embarrassed if I traveled to Houston to see people I have not seen in ages, looking the way I do now. So I got a new do.

Self-Portrait Tuesday New Do


  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I love your self portraits, Kim. They are so honest. (And I mean that in the most complementary way!)

  2. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Personally, i think "morning people" are an urban legend - like bigfoot, the boogeyman, and presidential integrity.

  3. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Great picture.
    I'm not a morning person either, I hit my stride at midnight and no one seems to understand that I really don't function at all before nine am.

  4. i'm so there with you!!!

  5. Would that be a Starbucks? I would be glad to share a coffee and a good chat with you!

  6. Anonymous4:29 AM

    sounds like something my mother would say... LOL... a mother knows best. will we see that new do next portrait tuesday??

    Have a fun trip.

  7. Thank you Jan. It seems rather silly sometimes. But I think I have realized that I look so different than I think I do. Right before I look in the mirror, I expect to see the 35-year-old and am rather shocked shifting though digital images to find out I am not! I
    Anne, Ivy and Mati - am so glad I am not the only grumpy night owl out there. I am learning not to be so sour in the morning, but it takes many coffees to get there.

  8. Maggie, wouldn't that be fun! Us at Stabucks, you never know.

    Linda: everyone my house said my hair looked good this morning, honestly I don't see the difference ')

  9. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Love the new do. Nobody is ever as blunt and honest as a mother. Take care.

  10. nice Mom. :| I thought you looked fine..what was visable. *shrug*


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