Monday, October 24, 2005


I finally hung the art I purchased from Tara via Ebay. It only took me a couple of months but I found the perfect location.

Tara art

New inspirations on my wall. One of the wonderful papers
Amy sent me, gift tags from Amy and Cassi, a wonderful note from Cassi, German postcard from Ruth.

Inspiration wall 10.24


  1. Anonymous7:57 PM

    The art piece is wonderful, as is the black and orange paper.

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    That assemblage is so very cool!

  3. Looks nice on your wall. I love the orange lanterns.

  4. Ivy - thinking of something special for the paper.
    Cerys - Tara is my inspiration, she has been very giving to explain how she makes them, I so want to make one!
    Tara, I think it looks wonderful, I love it!


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