Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Trick And Treats

I love Halloween, golden glow from carved pumpkins, bowls full of candy, little goblins hovering at the front door, leaves piling up in corners of the yard and floating down from the skies. It is all good. Pumpkins past and the papier mache Pumpkin guy that my co-worker, friend Duane made for me. I will post a better photo of that later.




Pumkin guy by Duane

Scary Halloween
sound effects, Pumpkin wizard pumpkin patterns, Virtual pumpkin. George W. Bush as a pumpkin-head from pumpkingutter.

Silver Swirl Pumpkin, Spellbound Pumpkin, A Unique Vase.

Very cool collection from
The Halloween Collector. Halloween vintage postcard images. Vintage Trick or Treat bags from the 1950's and 60's.

Candy Bag

Tom Pritchard's collection fof
Candy containers, buy some spooky stuff, Devil guy by Shiverbones, Bethany Lowe Designs, Clown seated.

desktops, Edward Gorey, lots of great old photos and fun stamps at Old Fashion Halloween.

Gravestone cards and Tomb-stone inscriptions. Miss Mary's Gothic Victorian clipart.

You might need a
VooDoo doll for the special night or a corpse. Kerry Kate's Effigies. I love this - Museum of Ouija boards. Box lanterns.

Paper mache fun with
Debra Schoch, Mrs. Wickett and her cat, Hooray for Halloween Gang, Folk Art originals by Johanna Parker Design. All kinds of folk art Halloween eye candy here in the participating artist section. Veggie Parade at Momentos by Stacey Bear and our own wonderful friend's work, Amy from APL Creations.

Terri Brush design and Trick Or Treater Spider Ride from Papier People Originals by Julie Karanik. Kristen Beason is out of her gourd!


  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Love your posting of "Holloween Past", Kim! I'd not thought to put leaves on the top to make hair. And a big "Wow!" to Duane, too. Is this the same guy with the papermache dog? And lastly, thanks for the many links. No time presently to explore them (Darn work! Grrr!) as this is a drive-by looksy for the most part!

  2. Kim..I love all the Halloween stuff!!! I plan on checking out all the links!!! Did you carve your pumpkins for Halloween yet? I love the pumpkin with the leaves! What a great idea! Hope you are feeling better. Vicci

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Thanks so much for the links... I'm in desperate need for some inspiration for a Halloween treat/craft.... hopefully this will get the creative juices flowing.

  4. I am such a freak for Halloween! The JOL collection is fabulous...I love the eyelashes and the leafy hair. We'll be picking up our pumpkins (saw some COOL purple ones at Calloways nursery) when we get back from our trip. Thanks too for including my little link among all these other awesome artist's links.


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