Friday, September 23, 2005

This Just In

Crawford, Texas: This just in.
A tragic fire this morning destroyed the personal library of President George W. Bush. The fire began in the presidential bathroom, where both of the books were kept. Both have been lost. A spokesman said the president was devastated, as he had almost finished coloring the second one.

Sorry, this came to me via email and I had to share it. I know I am sinking into my adolescence period. Constant bad news drives me here!


  1. Ha~ love this. We all need our diversions.

  2. Anonymous2:33 AM

    I see we have the same sense of humor ;o)

  3. Anonymous2:33 AM

    I see we have the same sense of humor ;o)

  4. This is a hoot! At first I was pulled right in believing it...and then POW!

  5. Anonymous10:50 AM

    hahaha...totally made my day :D

  6. Anonymous10:42 PM

    LOL! love it - thank you!!


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