Thursday, September 08, 2005

Pet Peeve

I am having a hard time watching the stories about the pets left behind. And here at work, we are having big discussions about this issue. My take, my “animal-loving”-bent take on this is – these people have lost everything, home, clothes, toys, automobiles, for crying out loud, let them take their %$&*ing pets with them. Why are we (gov.) being so rigid in this desperate hour? Most families treat their pets as extended family, kids, really. I am having another emotional meltdown. AND, many of those folks aren’t leaving the area because they don’t want to leave their pets. I can totally understand that emotion. There are many here sitting beside me at work that do not agree. Okay, this is my Katrina rant of the day.

Katrina survivors face dilemma over pets.


  1. Love me, love my dog. Rescue me, rescue my dog. I would more happily part with every shred of possessions (including the clothes on my back) than to lose a member of my family, which includes my doglet. I wouldn't abandon her for anything - I'm responsible for her, and she's not adapted to the wild--she'd get all cocky and pick a fight with a pack of coyotes or a wild boar hog (I've taught her well), and then where would she be? She's family, comfort, entertainment and therapy all rolled into one, and at a very modest expense. When they said mandatory evacuation before the storm hit, I would have packed maybe 10 pounds of my most prized possessions, double-bagged them in plastic, put them in a backpack and hit the road on foot with my canine unit. No one should be parted with their pets after all taht other misery. Seriously.

  2. Anonymous12:47 AM

    I know what it's like going through hurricanes and the aftermath. And though we've never evacuated up to this point, I've been telling my husband that I would never leave Bobby (my cat) behind to weather it out on his own. It would be hard on Bobby to be shoved into a cage (he's an outdoor cat for the most part) but I'd feel terrible to leave him. I understand your sentiments, Kim.
    Oh, and Pica's darn cute in the pics you just posted. : )

  3. Anonymous3:09 AM

    I sooo agree with you and I would be one of those persons refusing to leave if I couldn't take my pets. We take them in, feed them, love them... what makes them 'expendable' all of a sudden?

    My heart bleeds everytime I see the footage of the animals left behind.

    I have to believe that they'll be rescued. I know our local Michigan Humane Society Chapter left for that region to do just that. God speed...

  4. I absolutely 100% agree with you -- especially since I got a new kitten on Friday. A ray of sunshine in all of the horrid news -- the Audubon Zoo only lost 3 animals.

  5. the love of my life is my 3 yr old african grey parrot. i could NEVER leave him behind. even if i were dubious about the need to evacuate, my love for him would trump any doubts. we'd be outta here in a heartbeat for his sake alone.

  6. I agree...I agree.....I agree!!!!!

  7. Nail on the head Kim. Last night watching a special on this exact topic, I was crying as I did when I saw all the poor children effected by this disaster. Love, Love, Love my dog gone doggies, kitties, and horses. Would be just like leaving a family member behind, I couldn't do it! Take me and them or no body's leaving. I saw a picture of a home someone painted on the outside "we are staying and dogs are too!" So heart breaking. There was this lady on this special I was watching, looking for her dog in one of the many shelters. She had yet to find him but she wasn't giving up. Then to think of all the animals that will be left with no owners/companions for them to go home with. Makes me wanna adopt them all. Goota run and grab a tissue!

  8. Anonymous12:32 AM

    I agree 100% with you ! I wonder about those people who don't agree. My animals are my family. As long as my husband, 5 dogs and 4 cats are together that is all that is important.

    Your PIca is so adorable. I love Pica snuggling on the couch.


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