Saturday, September 03, 2005

My Thoughts

So many images stick in my mind from work this week. Images left by Katrina's wake. Of death, destruction. Sorrow. Old souls from nursing homes hardly able to figure out what has happened to them. Blank stares on their faces. Their eyes lost in confusion. Exposed, undressed, no shoes, no home, no hope. Where will they go? Where will any of them pick up the pieces to their lives and start again? Remember that scene from '5th Element' when Leeloo is watching the history of the world unfold? The horror is more than she can comprehend. I think most of us feel like that most of the time watching the news. Be it 1,000 Iraqis dying on a bridge, children starving in Niger, Japanese tourist being shot in the head in Afghanistan, Katrina in our own beloved land.

Today, trolling photos of today, I saw one photo that I could relate to. One woman standing in her destroyed dining room. Once carpeted, a beautiful sideboard full of fine china. She was finding pieces of her life and stacking them on the muddy table. Nice china, a bowl here, a plate there. Crystal stemware here and there. I told my husband a couple of nights ago - this could be any of us. One minute you have a house, bed, dogs, cats, meals, normality and the next you don't even have a drink of water. "There but for the grace of God go I". This could be any of us lying on a cot on an astro-turf field, in shock. Not even thinking about what the next week, the next month might bring. Just wondering where your immediate family members are and what has just happened to you. We know all of those poor people are in complete shock.

This disaster has only just started. So much will be needed in the months to come. I know we are up to the task, all of us. Giving what we can, doing what we can. It is a remarkable time in our history. An event that can make us all stronger, more proud to be an American, one people helping our own.


  1. Too true. Within a mile of my parents' home is a camp that is sheltering 500 Katrina evacuees. Bryan and I went to Target tonight and bought school supplies to take to the children there. Crayons, rulers, compasses, pencils, toilet paper, kleenex, underwear, light bulbs--what do you take them? I found myself wanting to grab stuff from every department for re-building households, but ultimately decided to stick with these tools to occupy the young. There are more than 10,000 evacuees in Dallas alone, and I am thankful we have an opportunity to help in a very real way. I know there is no succor on earth to assuage the sheer grief of losing one's home and irreplaceable family heirlooms, but I hope the warm welcome of our communities in some way is a balm and a warmer beginning to a new future for these folks.

  2. Anonymous11:13 PM

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  3. Rita S-B: YOU are an angel!

  4. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Thanks for putting it all into words. I feel like Leeloo most of the time too, which is why it's so hard to watch the evening news most days.

  5. Kim,

    Thank you for your poignant words, for saying it for me. I'm stunned, sad, angry and inadequate.

  6. what's bringing you to houston in october? we can definitely get together!

    on another note, i have five cousins who live in new orleans or the surrounding area. no word from them yet. i've posted all their info on the red cross and msnbc websites. nothing to now but wait and pray.

  7. wordybird - will be there for society of newspaper design. I am so sorry for about your cousins, hope you hear from them soon.

  8. Very nice post. So well put! Many people I know have donated to all the relief efforts. Take care, =^..^=


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