Thursday, September 01, 2005

Katrina Overload

It is hard to watch and not be there to do something. It is difficult and heartbreaking to watch these images pass through our screens, TV's, newspapers. My work life is all Katrina right now. It makes me so sad and exhausted, I have 'nothing to say' right now. I love all the fund-raising events going on. I bought something on Etsy tonight and when I have time, will look some more. Be back soon. My thoughts and prayers are with all the hurricane refugees.


  1. hey kim...
    i am on overload as well. it is
    just hearbreaking. check out she is giving
    20% of all her sales to second
    harvest. she has really nice


  2. It's all so overwhelming right now. All you can do is hope, donate what you can whether it's time, supplies, or money, and then hope some more.

    I hope you're able to unplug some once you get home from work in the evenings.

  3. Anonymous1:41 PM

    hi kim,

    i have been mesmerized by the whole thing too. luckily my work pulls me away, so that is a good chunk of time. i check out some of the "good news" when i get a chance, like people helping out 'n stuff, it gives me hope. maybe it could help you too...

  4. I'm surfing right now to keep away from the television. Too much going on, too close to home, every day a new ripple-effect... Anyway, I've been visiting blogs and trying to keep my mind on more positive things. We've given money and supplies and tried to help our own refugees, but I need a break from the horrific images.


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