Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Color name generator by French Boys. Color generator by well styled. Color schemer online. Old name generator.

RGB color chart. Check out color backgrounds. Convert to hex and rgb.

Fall 2005 colors from spudart and the one on Pantone site. And the Fall Report from Pantone.

Color Matters, Color Survey and Color Match from neteffect.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Thanks for all the fun links you post... I for one appreciate them muchly!

  2. Kimmer - it's unrelated, but check out immaculate New Orleans artist Thomas Mann's website - he has some incredible sales listed - don't know if it's related to the hurricane - but it may be a good time to buy great art wear and support his business. Lurve, phlegmmy

  3. thanks for linking to the 2005 fall colors on my site. :-)


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