Friday, September 23, 2005

Flowering Diversion

Sandra at croque-choux has this flowering diversion post, and frankly, I really need one right now with all Rita bad news. Thank you Sandra and zefrank..


  1. Gee Thanks Kim...I spent all afternoon making really is addicting! Vicci

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Isn't that a fun program?! My kids love it and my neice sent me a bouquet all the way from Los Angeles. And it is a little bright spot and a nice breather from all the bad things on the news right now...
    How did you get a screenshot by the way :o)

  3. I really really needed that! Such fun. I just did a print screen, or capture screen and brough it into photoshop. Some of those flowers are really good.

  4. I could spend hours playing with all Zefrank's games and gadgets. I think I will do that tonight instead of staring at the NOAA website and the weather channel.


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