Thursday, August 18, 2005

Spoiled Dogs Who Don't Know They Are (Dogs)

The dogs are spoiled and we all spoil them. They are waiting for my mother to give them a little midnight treat. Pica loves his dad. Spoiled?

Waiting for a midnight snack

Waiting for a midnight snack

Pica love his dad


  1. Anonymous12:57 AM

    How funny. My mom does that with her granddog George. He goes nuts everytime he sees her.

  2. Those dogs howl and screech everytime my mom leaves the house and comes back. I am sure the neighbors think we are beating them.

  3. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Those dogs are TOO cute! And, hey, did you get those rugs at IKEA? LOL!

  4. I did! We go through rugs in the kitchen really quickly. And these seem to be holding up to all the foot and food abuse.


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