Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Self-portrait(s) Tuesday

I have been so busy re-staining the deck, washing the dog, cleaning the house. Today, I am having a little rest. So I took a self-portrait with my robe on and decided maybe getting dressed for one of these would be nice. This self-portrait, setting timer and running to the location is tricky work!

Drinking coffee in robe.

Self-portrait Tuesday

Deciding to get dressed and watching Today Show.

Self-portrait Tuesday

The strange cricket mirror my husband bought me years ago.

Self-portrait Tuesday


  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Lovely home, lovely mirror, lovely you.

  2. ditto what camilla said, that perfectly sums it up

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    are you letting your hair color grow out??

  4. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I decided maybe my last comment sounded snarky, but really it's not.... I've colored my hair a looong time and have considered giving that up and going 'natural' - Yikes, am I ready for that?? LOL

  5. well, I am either letting it go and grow, or if I have time I might have someone else color it. I have not decided yet. But I have been so busy, it is the last thing on my list. I was actually thinking of going lighter, blonder. What do you think?

  6. Anonymous5:00 AM

    lighter is always nice provided it matches to your skin tone.... I love the shade of red your hair is... :-)

    may I also add I very much enjoy your blog.

  7. Anonymous: I am so glad you enjoy, I enjoy writing (creating?) it. Have not had too many inspired entried lately. Okay, I went lighter but it looks a little strange. I did it last night late when I got home from work.


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