Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Andrea Dezso

Andrea Dezso - One of a kind books. And delightful Coffins for dead insects. Some Embroidery. A few of her collaborations from Parsons, About typefaces and About wallpapers.

Found this link on ikastikos blog and the very entertaining entry: 'Are you a button or its hole?'. ikastikos is listed on Learning Daily favorites.


  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    How DO you find all this stuff? Search for dead insect coffins? I am always amazed at the range of things you show.

  2. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Does Andrea have a book? After skimming quickly it appears her books are pages in magazines. I love her work, would like a book of her art.

    Maybe I didn't look far enough. ?


  3. I'm gonna blog this, but it relates, so I'll post it here, too. When my little sister was about 5, she kept insisting that she needed a puppy dog. Mother dug in her heels, of course, and said absolutely not. So one day Amy found a dead fly on a windowsill, and she adopted the dead fly as her pet, naming him Fred, and she carried him on roadtrips, etc., for months. Finally, on one roadtrip, Amy got a puppy. Fred was properly buried soon thereafter.


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