Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Zen Garden Wedding

I think about this all the time, and I want to get it out of MY head. Put it out in the ether. Please, someone, do this wedding and send me pictures!

I had the vision (yes, a little movie in my head) at the wedding show many years ago. I pitched it to a local wedding magazine (an entire issue would be dedicated to EAST WEDS WEST) with lack-luster response (I am sure they thought I was crazy). I saw the cover of a bridal magazine with the idea of a Zen Garden Wedding. The bride was wearing a white Asian-inspired wedding dress. Her hair was slick and pulled back with a big red flower to the right. I was looking down as the bride standing on a flat rock, the pattern in the white sand of a
Zen Garden surrounding her. High on my vision, and I explored the idea of the look of the wedding on the way home that day (and many days after that).

Many arboretums have
Zen gardens. I was thinking they could accommodate a wedding party. Better yet, they could create a garden specifically for weddings. White patterned sand, with a path of flat rocks leading to a larger rock where the ceremony takes place. Behind the bride and groom is a red sheer silk curtain as a backdrop, moving slightly with the wind. Guests are seated all around the garden on big stone benches (okay, that is my wildest wish, they could just have chairs as well) on very lush grass surrounding the Zen Garden. It was all so vivid in my mind, I feel like I have been to this wedding.

And she is holding red flowers, peonies or chrysanthemum.
Red lanterns with their names, initials or date of wedding silk-screened on them floating in air at the reception. Or you could make your own lanterns. There so many out there to choose from! Go square or round peony!

CHOPS for presents, or have them made for themselves with their names and the wedding date.

Give the guest Sandalwood
folding fans with a natural subtle sandalwood scent or white parasols. On either of these you could add a little designed tag/paper hanging from them, with something printed, date, names?

Of course, participants would have to give money in the traditional
red envelopes or maybe re-created the traditional red envelope as a part of the favors. Redesigning it, using it as an envelope for the ceremony information. More wedding favor ideas here.

If I were a guest, I would wear
this or maybe a silk wraparound skirt with these shoes.


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    wow... when you set to imagining something, you really get specific about it! What a talent! Your Zen Wedding idea does sound incredible, I have to admit. Where were you 14 years ago when I got hitched and did it in a sadly traditional way?!

  2. Anonymous11:16 AM

    oh... that was from me, Wee, by the by!

  3. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Ooooh, I'd love this wedding! I guess I have to find a husband first!!! Can you do that too!


  4. definitely like "chops" for presents !

  5. Tara. I am going to work on that! And definitely, Cin and I will get you personalized chops as presents!

  6. Hi I'm planning an upcoming wedding and have just come home from traveling to Thailand and China. I too have been picturing a Zen Wedding theme integrated to put a new spin on my beach wedding... any creative ideas on integrating these two concepts?


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