Sunday, July 03, 2005

Night Lights Glowing In Garden

The backyard is aglow with lights hanging in the hydrangeas and around the yard. A special treat for Ruth, visiting from Texas. (and I made her a fire tonight.)



I hung red lanterns and a flag bunting (D bought me a couple of these antiqued flags for Mother's Day present) under the steer in preparation for July 4th party. Yes,
Charlotte, I am not rubbing it in, but we are having a fire tonight ;)!


1 comment:

  1. The last time I was in Texas in the summer. I went outside to get a 'fresh breath of air' and I swear it felt like someone was blowing a hot hair dryer right at me. I laughed, I forgot how hot it can get! We have two 80-degee days here and I am wishing for rain again. But YOU are always welcomed in Edmonds, I will even clean out that dirty studio for you visit.


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