Monday, July 18, 2005

My Talented Friend's Topiary Birdman

If I did not have such talented friends, honestly, I would have nothing to blog about. You might remember my fellow designer at work from his wonderful paper mache dogs he made earlier this year. He also made me the most adorable Halloween fellow out of paper mache. (I thought I blogged it, but can not find it - must take pictures!) Well, he is at it again. He wanted a fun project for him and his daughter to make together and he came up with this topiary for the backyard. All I can say is - I want one!





  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    All I can say is "WOW!" Like Disneyland. I think I'd like a topiary of that cute little doggy.

  2. what a terrific project for the two of them to do together !

    oh I wish I'd saved it, but the New York Times did an article on a gentleman who had filled his whole yard with whimsical wonderful topiary figures, maybe you happened to see it ?

  3. very cool. and i love it with the dog next to it cuz those airdales (sp?) could really look like trimmed bushes too! hehe.

  4. I am always fascinated by topiaries. We once bought a house in Deerfield Beach that had a deer topiary in the front yard. It was a ton of work to keep up with but at the same time it was fun to watch the birds sneak up on it and perch on its back.

    The Birdman is awesome...just my type of guy, tall and whimsical.

  5. Anonymous6:38 AM

    What a talented, imaginative guy! Wonderful topiary, fabulous paper mache figures (how'd I miss those before?)...thanks so much for sharing!

  6. OH my god! Two of my most favorite things! Paper Mache and topiaries! I am in awe....

  7. How incredible!

    At first I thought it was a photo from the topiary rendition of seurat's painting A Sunday on La Grande Jatte : !

  8. I have never seen the Tantalizing topiaries, that is fabulous! I was thinking one holding a birdbath would be fun.

  9. That is soooo cool! I want one!

  10. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Birdman is completely wonderful! I love it!

  11. Anonymous9:28 AM

    how did he DO this?! and how long does it take to grow such an extraordinary thing?


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