Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Gender Roles, My Son's Point Of View

Since we are on the subject of cooking, me cooking (or not), my mom cooking. Here is my son's point of view about what goes on here. This was a part of a school project about himself. In my own defense, I distinctly remember him catching me in the kitchen, standing in front of the stove with a spatula in my hand. He looked incredulous and asked me what I was doing. And I said "I am cooking you dinner". So don't call Child Protective Services.

An except: "The gender roles in my family were pretty traditional. My dad encourages me to play all kinds of sports and I like to. And he teaches me how to build things and repair things. It’s not like a monkey’s life where his instincts tell him what to do. I have to learn from others and it takes time.
My grandma is the main person in our family who cooks, like the mother bird for the little baby birds. But when she goes on a trip, then I cook for our family. My mom’s not that good of a cook and my dad gets home late, so it’s basically up to me to feed myself and everyone else. I was about eight when I started learning how to make food for myself. It doesn’t really affect how I think about gender roles. I think that it doesn’t really matter what gender you are, you should just be able to do what you want to do whether that is ballet or football. Everyone grows up different, kind of like a snowflake, each one is different."


  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    This is hysterical. Very good insights!

    I wrote earlier about your hydrangeas but my post got lost in cyber space, and I'm too lazy to re-write! Lol!!!

  2. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Wow - that really is a pretty beautiful point of view. Especially when coming from a young man. You, your husband, and your mother have obviously done a wonderful job raising him.

  3. 'I have to learn from others and it takes time'.... WOW! How many grown ups should listen to this boy?


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