Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Translating To The Internet

Some magazines cross over easily to a web presence. Martha Stewart Living was the best at sharing stuff from her magazine, very early in the internet age. They tackled it all, web, tv, print in one glorious, successful fashion. Not giving too much away from print, but supporting, and offering resources from print and tv. Conde Nast was terrible in the beginning, I would go there and basically see an ad. But they have come along way, Baby., online Vogue and they are good resource now for fashion shows and News/Trends.

My mother loves Cooks Illustrated and they look like they have some resources on their site. Vanity Fair’s daily dose listings and other links, some content stuff. And of course, Epicurious, for shopping and recipes. And my favorite food related magazine - Saveur - has a good web presence. And then I have to mention Food Network, good for recipes and resources from the TV network shows. I tried a couple of recipes and was disappointed.

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