Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Today In The Garden

There is never a dull minute or photo in the garden. I captured this tiny, tiny spider today. And was trying for a clear shot of water drops on leaves.

Itsy Bitsy spider

Purple Stamen



  1. Way kewl! I love love love the spider. What kind of camera/lens are you using? My dad just gave me a new camera with a macro zoom lens for my birthday which I have yet to try out. I'm headed up to the Adirondacks this weekend, so I'm sure I'll get a ton of pictures there.

  2. Balwearie: Oh, please get out that camera and do lots of experimenting! I have an old nikon coolpix 995 with a Raynox macroscopic lens 4x. I really want the Canon Rebel with lens that can be changed out. But it is so much to discover a little aphid that you did not see when you took to picture. It takes a very steady hand to shoot macro outside. Andirondacks, what a great place to take pictures! And that Isty Bitsy spider was soooo small, I could not believe I got one shot that was readable!

  3. Oh man! The spider!..that shot is great! You have inspired me to experiment with my camera and garden.

  4. The spider is phenomenal, you can even see the hairs on it's back! I'm having a bit of a lucky streak these days so am going to be able to get a nice digital camera finally...then I'll finally be able to experiment with macro on digital. I love the curls of those leaves too, I have some prints in my house that I've bought that look very similar. There are so many great shapes to be found in nature!


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