Giant spinning wheel of fashion show and silhouettes of historical dresses from V&A. Costume History Silhouettes and Costume Collage Silhouettes from Fashion Era. A few of my favorites styles shown below from Fashion Era.
First Cut Magazine and Paper Cutters Organization. Elegant logo for this paper cutting site. Paper gate cuttings by Barbara Buckingham and the German Silhouette Museum. The Scissor-Cutting Art of Marie-Helene L. Grabman.
Papel Picado hand punched-paper from Kathleen Trenchard at Cut It Out. Chinese Paper Cut
Someone has been tweaking photoshop threshold and came up with lots-o-art, all kinds of stencils from stencilry.
I've been a fan of Barbara Buckingham for quite awhile. She told me that uses disposable scalpels for her cuttings.