Monday, May 23, 2005

Progressive Block Party Happening

We had our progressive block party tonight and most our street turned out for fun, food and drink. We met new neighbors, new kids, fellow gardeners, artists. The night began with exotic cocktails at a newly landscaped front garden, moved next door for salad, appetizers. Moved again to a main course, then to our house for dessert, coffee, dessert wine, and wine. I hung square japanese lanterns in a straight line down the dining room ceiling (most of you know I use my ceiling for another place to decorate). Hung the jar lanterns I made last year, with old jars, copper wire and tea candles down the front walkway (forgot to take pictures, but it was very inviting), and since it was chilly enough by 8p.m., we lit a fire. Triple chocolate brownies, cheesecake, cheese/fruit, and apple cobbler. I think I gave away my Texas Thunderstorm painting (seen in photo) that my son and I painted last year to my neighbor who really loved it. I have been planning to do another painting for that space soon.


  1. I love how you decorate your ceiling, it's always so festive! (Our ceiling and walls are plaster, so they are never easy to decorate.)

    It looks like it was a blast, my sister's neighborhood does progressive dinners too. I think the last one was every house represented a different country. She got a little sick on Jagermeister in Germany! ;)

  2. oh yes lovely photos of the house but really stunning photo of the triple chocolate brownies oh YUM !

  3. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Thanks for sharing pictures and the low-down on your neighborhood's block party. It looks like you had a good turn out and all are having a good time. What a great way to kick off the summer!

  4. Thanks guys, it as fun, and all the moving and drinking and eating.


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