Saturday, May 28, 2005

Preserving Coral Reefs

With the IF Aquatic theme from last week in mind, I was thinking of my youth. I was certified scuba diver in my 20's and 30's but have not been diving in a long time. My memories are vivid, my fascination for sealife never wanes. I was reading today about the destruction of the coral reef in the Virgin Island from raw sewage. I keep wondering what kind of damage all of those cruise ships impose on the waters, trash, sewage. It is very depressing. I want my son to be able to go to the VI someday and have the experience that I did. Amazing corals, fish, the colors remarkable.
The Living Sea has a wonderful photo gallery, showing different fish and corals. My favorite has always been the brain coral and the Damsel fish.
Also take a look at
Ocean Conservancy maybe there is something we can all do to insure that our kids get to enjoy the abundance of natural beauty that we have now.

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