Sunday, May 15, 2005

May Blooming

I am trying to ween myself off blogging. Took some macro and peony pics and must post them.
Honeysuckle up close and personal.


Salmon peony

purple flowers

Take a look at more
peonies and up close and personal with some other flowers in the garden.


  1. Looks to me like you are hooked on blogging -
    I could say something silly like resistance is futile - but - there I did I have been trying to cut back on the number of posts too! I am pleased to see that someone else also has the same 'habit'

  2. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Yeah, go out and take more pictures if you don't want to blog as much any more. Your flower close ups are super nice!

  3. Blogging is an need some intervention quick! ;)

    These macros are so stunning, and still I have peony envy. They are so beautiful.

  4. The honeysuckle up close is very personal -- stunning! I love those especially, of all your flower photos. I like the series as well. Discovered this blog from your Flickr site and I'm looking forward to seeing what else you blog -- don't stop now!
    Maureen (MontanaRaven at Flickr)

  5. Love, love the flowers, they are so beautiful!


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