Thursday, May 12, 2005

Blogging Break

I was inspired to begin this blog by the most talented Erica (at Currently) and it has been so much fun. I really started it so my friends and family could keep up with what I was doing so far away from home. Funny enough, most of them don't read it. I sent out links a long time ago, and when I ask them any of them recently if they have read my blog, they will say, "I read it when you sent it to me months ago, but it made me tired, too much to look at ... Oh, you mean, you add to it every day?" So, I gave up on most of them reading it, but in their place, developed these wonderful friendships out there in Blog-Land. Remarkable, really, when you think about so many being drawn together by illustrations, food, photos of pets, crafts, quilting, the love of doing something exciting with our hands and minds. I thank you all for being so supportive, kind and generous in my little blogging venture.

I am taking a little bogging break. I have much to do, and it does not include blogging. Freelance I need to finish up. A good idea that has been swirling around in my head for years that I have been inspired to develop into a product. Will tell more later. Cards I want to get printed and out there. A couple of paintings (not digital) that I want to for my son. I guess blogging has just been TOO much fun, and I need to step away from the keyboard.

I will still be posting, but maybe just once a week or as time allows. Of course, I will be posting Peony photos as different ones bloom. Maybe, after my freelance is finished I can even do an IF illustration again! See you soon.


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Thats a shame. You are in my favourites list and it was always interesting to pay you a visit from cloudy old england !

  2. Oh so sad, I will miss your posts, pics and links. You will be GREATLY missed, but wishing you all the lucky and good fortune on your new ventures. Will be checking in to see what's new so keep us up to date.

  3. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I'll look forward to your weekly or "whenever" posts. You have such great ideas, go with them.

  4. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I will do alittle jig when I see you've updated. Go refresh yourself....: )

  5. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Kim, I read it almost every day and love it. So don't stay gone too long.


  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I will miss you!
    But it's true blogging is too much fun. But once a week is good enough for me ;)

    Good luck with what you are doing.


  7. sounds like exciting things in the works, big cheers from me in pursuing them, and thank YOU "for being so supportive, kind and generous" in my endeavors !

  8. It gets to be a little all consuming doesn't it? I will miss your posts, wonderful pictures and excellent links daily, but every now and again will be great too. Keep us posted on all the exciting things coming up for you!

  9. good for you! i'll miss your posts, but understand fully!

  10. I'm totally going to miss you! Thank you again for everything. And I'll keep checking for your whenever posts- only next time from Virginia!

  11. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Best wishes and good luck on your exciting ventures! Keep us posted, even if its a bit less often. You're one of my faves! Hugs!!!

  12. I certainly understand because I've been thinking of doing the same thing.
    Hands on projects are calling. Good luck with your projects.. I'll be looking forward to seeing whatever you have to share.



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