Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Be Careful Out There

Listen up, another car jacking scam is being sent around the internet, so be careful out there!

This new scam is being pulled mainly on older women who are apparently passed the age of giving a running pursuit. What happens is that when the intended victim stops for a red light, a completely nude and good looking, nicely tanned, unbelievably well enhanced young man comes up. With muscles flexing, and body stretched to its full potential, he pretends to wash your windshield. While he is doing this, another person opens the back door of your car, taking anything you have in the car. They are very good at this. They got me seven times Friday and five times Saturday - I couldn't find them on Sunday.


  1. Anonymous3:13 PM

    (ROFL) ohmygosh, So, so, SO funny!! A good thing I wasn't having coffee in front of my computer... Thanks for making my day ;o)) By the way, this reminds me of a similar scam my brother told me about. Here it is:

    "Very scam

    The internet is so useful for spreading these important messages that can have a huge impact on our lives!

    Hi ~
    I hate hoax warnings, but this one is important.
    Please send this to everyone....

    If a man comes to your front door and says he is conducting a survey and asks you to show him your ass, DO NOT show him your ass.
    This is a SCAM. !!!!!!! He only wants to see your ass.

    I wish I'd gotten this yesterday. I feel so stupid and cheap."

  2. Sometimes those forwarded scam emails CAN MAKE YOUR DAY.

  3. Sometimes those forwarded scam emails CAN MAKE YOUR DAY.

  4. Holy Moly that made me laugh.

  5. ....and where did this occur? Just curious!

  6. Ha Ha Sherry, I would hate for you to get accosted by such animals!


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