Thursday, April 28, 2005

Burnt Out

Does this give you a little insight of how I am feeling these days.


  1. "Remember the days at the old school yard?" "Oh, those were the days!"
    Why did we leave college anyway?
    "If we could just turn back time!"
    To quote a few songs that were telling is what to expect in the real world. But I like John Mayer, who says,
    "I want to run down the halls of my highschool and scream at the top of my lungs, there is no such thing as the real world, just a lie you have to rise above."
    I am still the my bumper sticker says,
    "Reality is for those who lack imagination"
    Kim, that isn't you!

  2. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Oh my!!

  3. I think it's time for a spa day. Manies and pedies for one and all! I'm counting the days until the boot comes off so I can get in for a pedicure. UGH do I need one! Hang in there, there's bound to be a breath of fresh air coming your way soon. I just know it.

  4. That's're hilarious!
    I hope you're able to get some R&R this weekend.

  5. You need to take the frown and turn it upside down. Kim, don't dwell on the negatives. Accentuate the positives! Smell the flowers. Look at the rainbows. Listen to the laughter. The world is so beautiful! Don't worry. Be happy

  6. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Maybe you should go on strike! (hehe)

  7. Amazingly for one who is burned out you still create these awesome graphics! Ok, so it's time to slow down. Also, at home, give yourself permission to relax and not be such a driven woman. :) Sheesh, your wearing me out just reading all you do in a day!

  8. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I am so into matches these days, so I LOVE that photo. I don't know what it is about matches. I don't even smoke.


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