Saturday, March 19, 2005

Wedding Announcement V.2 and V.3

The bride and groom cake top was a little too traditional for my brother and future s-i-l. So I am taking one more stab at it before we print -- TOMORROW. The idea from a song "The Broken Road" we decided that would be good for them. Now I am trying a road image. Did not find too many today that really hit me, this was the only one out of many I looked through. Decided to stay with that shape. Might create a new one tomorrow just to try it out. Too busy at work today to do too much. Didn't want to get too 'frilly' with the type, that is just not them. But I have a tendency to do that. I just want them to be happy with it. I also think I will burn a CD with that song, of course, and more of their favorites for favors. Will need to start on that day after tomorrow. I always work well under tight deadlines.

Also did another test version, the inspiration of a little ticket I have stashed away, "three wishes". A small accordian fold of three wishes, the last one being "we wish you could come to our wedding". This idea with the help of my pal Greg Perez, a genius designer I worked with. I think it needs to be more than 4 folds to work, on 8.5 x 14 would be good. It just seem to fall a little flat once roughed out.

These are meant to be folded of course, so the right side of image would be the front of card.




1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Kim, these are so beautiful and touching. You always amaze me with your talent. My favorite one is the prarie.



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