Friday, March 18, 2005

Unconventional Wedding Invitation

This is my brother's very unconventional wedding invitation. Tomorrow, it prints. I had an entirely different idea when I started this a couple of days ago. I wanted to do a small, 8 page, journal-type invitation. With the idea, that they were writing a new chapter in their lives. A new page. I have all the elements scanned in for it, but just running out of time. So now I am simplifying. I will still make the journal just for myself. Here the outside of card, and the inside.




  1. What a treasure, I love the butterfly touch, did you do that? Are you going to the wedding?

  2. Kim, it's fantastic! It looks like a card that should be featured in a wedding magazine...I love the modern touches and the cut-outs with the butterfly and text. Gorgeous...what a lucky brother!

  3. splendid! i love the design!

  4. Anonymous2:18 PM

    How different and unique. I love it.

  5. stunning, who wants conventional when you can have that !

    and I love the butterfly touch too, where'd you find it, sure could have used it as a reference yesterday !

  6. This invitation is a keeper! You have such an original take on everything.

  7. What a beautiful invitation. Great visuals and I love the roses! I would also still like to see the 8 pager, how about your life up until now. I bet it would be filled with so many neat and creative memories! :)

  8. Funny this should be posted so recently because I logged on this morning looking for unconventional wedding invitations for myself and my marine when I thought I should check out your site, maybe email you to ask if you knew of any cute websites or anything to help point me in the right direction. Your work is always incredible. The invitations are great.

  9. Thank you all! It has all been fun and exciting getting this project done and to the mailbox.


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