Wednesday, March 23, 2005

On A Very Serious Note

You can not tell me that someone who knew this child did not know he was in serious trouble. Look at his circumstance, and most could guess he would need some counseling, encouragement, to be watched closely. Having big discussion with my co-workers about who should/could/would check in on kids in need. And did anyone at his school not know he needed some help. Sad and depressing. We have been looking over his blog at work and it is just sad. Below text from his blog:

"So fucking naive man, so fucking naive.
Always expecting change when I know nothing ever changes.
I've seen mothers choose their man over their own flesh and blood, I've seen others choose alocohol over friendship.
I sacrifice no more for others, part of me has fucking died and I hate this shit.
I'm living every mans nightmare and that single fact alone is kicking my ass, I really must be fucking worthless. This place never changes, it never will. Fuck it all."

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