Tuesday, March 08, 2005

It's The Little Things That Make You Giddy

Sharon of in a minute ago mentioned me. ME! on her blog. Her blog is so chock-full of knowledge, that I feel like someone has just entered my name into an encyclopedia. I was so thrilled, no giddy. In a minute ago is the ultimate site for textile enthusiasts, an extensive visual stitch collection, "is online resources which relate to contemporary and historical textiles, embroidery, quilting, fiber arts, paper and book arts". Thank you, Sharon, that made my month.


  1. How wonderful! Sharon's stitch reference is fabulous, I realized I hadn't visited it in quite awhile as I clicked on my old bookmark to find that it had a new and improved home.

  2. I am pleased you were so pleased at my entry - and guess what I read what you are writing too!

  3. How Wonderful!

    I felt exactly that way when I was mentioned on "Not Martha's" and "Currently's" websites last year about my Alice Garden. It felt like winning the blogger lottery. :) Just think, that was after two years of plugging away at blogging being pretty much unnoticed. You've just begun, and you're already becoming a legend. :)

  4. Anonymous5:01 PM

    What a wonderful flurry of posts! I think I've found some new friends!


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