Friday, March 11, 2005

Another Ancient Entry

Or Happy Birthday to Me in a couple of days! Either way, there are too many candles to blow out and I am depressed. The very special present I was buying myself (Canon Rebel Digital) from a friend is not longer available. I was so looking forward to it. After a ball-busting day (where I just wanted to get up and walk away) I went shopping for clothes that obviously don't fit, will return them on Sunday. I wanted to BUY myself something! What is so happy about birthdays anyway? Go grab the fire extinquisher!


  1. happy early birthday !

    a cake for me would look just about the same, or egads ! worse !

    the only nice thing about that is my dear step-father puts a zero on the end of my age and sends me a check in that amount so that helps !

  2. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Happy Birthday, a little early, Kim! I'm only 3 or 4 years behind you, so you can pass me the fire extinguisher when you're done with it. I hope that you find a lovely treat to buy for yourself on your birthday.

  3. Happy early birthday! I bet you'll find JUST the thing soon enough. I think those "from me, to me" gifts are great things for pick-me-ups and extra inspiration. Maybe a tiara and a "queen for the day" mani/pedi trip with some nice wine and good chocolate?

  4. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Happy Birthday! I appreciate what you're going through, because I think about all I want to do and the time I have left [depressing :(], but I hope you can make it a happy, happy! Maybe a massage to go with your pedi would do you well. Massages and pedicures ALWAYS fit! :()

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Happy birthday Kim!
    I hope things get better.
    -Karen of Kraf-o-la

  6. Thanks guys for coming to my little pity party I threw myself last night! and leaving encouraging words. Someone at work made a comment about my age, and I think that started me on the dark road. But I see the light today, and ready to brave blowing out all of those wonderful candles. Cheers.

  7. Happy Pre-Birthday!!!

    What you need is a good ol' fashion girls get-together to chat, sip a latte and air what ails you.

    You know a girl must never, never shop for clothes when she is having a bad day!

  8. Oh I think something must be in the air lately, I'm sorry to hear you were in such a birthday funk... when retail therapy doesn't work that really is a bad day. :(

    I hope you were able to kick your heels up and enjoy the day anyway. Best Wishes! :)


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