Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Paint Chip Greetings Cards

I been sporting a terrible sinus headache for a couple of days, yesterday, took a late afternoon nap after some sinus Tylenol. Woke up later and headed to the art studio for some fun. Paint chip, some punches, a couple of books to cut up, glue. I love the simple design and of course the colors; some reminded me of beach glass. Have been trying to conjure of some ideas for summer cards for sellling at a friends' card store (if she will have them.) So I spent the night brain storming. Also made more Easter Egg cards from photos from last year. I love them.


  1. Your blog is such a treasure trove of ideas...I just cleaned out my office today and threw away scads and scads of paint chip brochures. haha...now I'm going to be digging through the trash, because I love this card idea so much. :)

  2. Love, love the cards, especially the Easter egg one-those egg colors are so rich and yummy! What great ideas, pretty great coming from a gal with a nasty sinus headache. Wish I was that productive when I am sick! :)

    designerm dot com

  3. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Wonderful posts today...love the hydrangea photos. We moved this winter so I have to start all over again with a new yard. Daunting.
    Re: the cards, I do a lot of paper work and wonder, what's your preferred glue for such projects?

  4. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Your cards are beautiful, I love the colors! Now I have to go dig out all the paint chips I have in the garage ;) Hope you're feeling better soon!

  5. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Oh, you and Kathleen, you just really inspire me! I just wish I had your eye. Those cards are lovely, heck, this entire site is lovely. By the way, I think we've got your rain now. I'm hoping it can do the great things for me now.

  6. Anonymous8:52 AM

    These cards are great! Are you offering any for sale to the online public?

  7. the cards are beautiful! thanks for the inspiration (i just hope i remember it the next time i'm at lowes ;)


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