Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Not A Good Thing

I am not a fan of reality TV so I am probably not a good judge. But I think making Martha the new Donald is a bad bad idea. I just want her previous format, of fun things to make for home, garden ideas and stuff to cook. Not a "you're a BAD THING -- You're fired". What idiot is making these decisions?

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is what Forest Gump would have said,"Stupid is as stupid does." But ya know, if no one watched, they wouldn't get a chance to make such," stupid." programming. Watching American TV where people are eating goats eyeballs and worms and lying with snakes doesn't make Americans look too grounded. It says something about our culture I don't like, like we Americans will do anything for money. Sad, but apparently true. TV reflects us, whether we like it or not
    Prison apparently didn't make Martha think much about what she did, I guess she just wants to make up for the money she lost, and the time. Too bad. Trump is bad taste all over the place. Martha has to prove herself now I guess. Too bad she has taken the low road!


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