Sunday, February 20, 2005

Another Good Mother

I woke up early Sunday, worried I had posted an angry, wordy, self indulgent, self-searching message about motherhood on my blog. (Which I had.) So I came out to take it down, while trying to decide, posted a few other items. As fate would have it, Kathleen appeared in the nick of time. I ask her opinion, too angry? I asked, for readers without children? I love being a mother, I love my son, I love the fact that I have a son that I never thought I would have. But it appears that Newsweek story struck a cord with many of us, Kathleen's sister wrote on the same subject. Hers, being a little more upbeat than for another perspective, from a mother who is 4 times as busy, please read Christina's intrepretation, and her getting her groove back!

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