Sunday, February 06, 2005

99 Cent Thrills

I agree with Cassi when she talks about being pleased with inexpensive delights that can make you so happy. I found three 'Randon Leaves' Taylor Smith Taylor plates for .99 cents each at the Goodwill yesterday that made me have an audible squeal. I think I have seen these in my plate-hunt before, but did not buy them because I was trying to show restraint! What an idiot. So now I have a new plate collection to keep my eye out for. Can't you see a great table set with these for a fall get-together!

Also bought 6 Italian, hand-painted bowls for .99 cents each. Yellow, to go with some yellow dessert plates I have and hardly use.

1 comment:

  1. Sure, and I would reimburse! That would be great. ;)


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