Thursday, December 30, 2004

Wedding Cake Reject

For work, on my own volition, sometimes, my own time, I created this cake to present to the Today Show Throws a Wedding series as their logo for the series 2004. I made all the crepe paper flowers on the cake. It was rejected and I was pretty sure it would be, but it was such fun, was all worth it.
"Do you, Today Show, take this hand-made flowers, life-size, Today show colors, wedding cake, from Kim, to be your long-term series logo, to have and to hold, until you Throw Another Wedding in 2005?" They said, "I don't"! All photos by James Cheng.




  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I love your Today Wedding Cake. Kim, I'm getting addicted to your site in a scary way. -- Paige

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I love the cake and the flowers ! Just beautiful ! The Today show is crazy for rejecting it.



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