Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Wave Of Death

I am completely devastated by the news of so many dead by the tsunami. I have worked for the Dallas Times Herald, San Francisco Examiner, The Post-Intelligencer and presently employed at MSNBC.com and I STILL can not help absorbing these tragic events. They become a terrible, sad part of my psyche. I become sick to my stomach, dizzy, dazed, discombobulated. After so many years in the news business I should be immune to tragic news, but I am not. I think about all of those people that in one minute lost all they had, all they loved. It is unbelievable. It feels almost obscene to continue on with holiday gift-wrapping and mailing presents. So many have lost so much, the event itself, the grief of all of those thousands of people, chinks out a big piece of my being. I encourage all to help as you can, as I intend to do. My prayers of with them.

1 comment:

  1. It is extremely tragic and sad especially when it hits so close to home. (Currently in Geneva, but Malaysian all the way.)


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