Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Stolen Day

I had a great rainy day. Arrived at work to find I was really meant to be OFF. Stayed long enough to read email, do a little work and blog. Then hit all my favorite Goodwills on the route home. Usually don't get to do that anymore since I work until 8 p.m. Found a few treasures. A pink floral damask table cloth and matching napkins (possible S-I-L birthday present). A large worn to the silk feel - cotton mint color table cloth. A couple of stemmed etched goblets. Two what look to be cut glass butter trays, but I am growing grass in pots for a friend and thought I would put two in one tray and use them as saucers ($1.29 each.) I do have this fear that a loud speaker will blast out "LADY, STEP AWAY FROM THE LINENS!", that my family will have given them my photo-ID of a person who is not allowed to shop Goodwill anymore. The great thing about Goodwill is --- they DO have a return policy of a week after purchase, so if you can not make up your mind, bring it home and think about it.
Also found 4 in tall metal pails for $1 each in the Target dollar corner. I bought 8 pink and 8 red. I should have bought more and when I can figure out what I am going to do with them, I will be sorry that I didn't.

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