Saturday, December 18, 2004

South of the North Pole

Not exactly the North Pole, but this is where it all happens for me -- the art studio. Finished all my Christmas cd labels and glued the cd sleeves together. I have one more day to come up with my Christmas card idea or I give up for this year. And start thinking New Years? Valentine's?

My favorite spot is on the wall entering the studio. I have alligator clips tied on rope. I change the images out all the time. Thanksgiving can find turkey feathers, Christmas -- cut snowflakes, Spring -- flowers pictures cut out of magazines, Birthdays -- images of the birthday person. Such a small thing, it completely delights me!


  1. I just found your blog via are so Inspriring!
    Love your collection of miniature chairs, and your studio space. Everything you've posted here is just lovely. :)

  2. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Kim, could I trouble you for info on the great flooring in your studio? I've been looking for that exact type for two years. The closest thing I've found was expensive linoleum on a roll. Any advice?

    Shelley Noble


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