Friday, December 24, 2004

Dish Alert

Back to work for a day. Co-worker sent me this link where I found a few items of note. These plyFOLD Containers made out of recycled material are very fun. Animal Kingdom Dinnerware from Fish Eddy I love! If I were purchasing more dishes, (and I am not, yet) it would be the Pantone Collection. And speaking of DISHING, while Christmas shopping in Ballard, Washington, we were lucky enough to happen by Kathy Casey's Food Studios open a couple days during the holidays to the public for retail. She had a variety of samples of her fabulous Dish D'Lish and there was not one sample that we did not taste, love and purchase. I bought the bread dippers, Blue Cheese & Hazelnut Spread, Firecracker Wasabi Spread, Red Sangria Mix Cocktailor™ Mixer and some olive bread. She also offers cooking classes and I plan on signing up for one.

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